The Housing and Homelessness Committee is composed of both Board members and members of the ERNC community. Anyone can join this committee.
It is Co-chaired by the Social Justice Director and one Committee member as approved by the ERNC Board.
The Committee examines how Eagle Rock is mitigating the suffering of the unhoused through services and housing.
The members can request the ERNC Board to tell the L.A.City Council how Eagle Rock stakeholders feel about the services provided to the unhoused.
The Committee also examines how people lose their housing. In that capacity, they discuss issues of housing, tenants and homelessness, gender justice, racial justice, and economic justice.
If housing laws are creating hardships for tenants or landlords, this Committee can notify the City (through the ERNC Board) that there are problems that need to be resolved.
If you wish to work with homelessness or housing concerns, come to the meetings of the Housing and Homelessness Committee. Everyone is welcome.